Saturday, July 24, 2010

Garden Porn: Ornamental Cabbage

I've been seeing a lot of these beautiful flowers in florists everywhere recently. The flowers are large with beautiful rosettes but they are in fact, ornamental cabbages. Apparently these are edible but I have a feeling they don't taste that good - doesn't matter, they're far too pretty to eat anyway! Ornamental cabbages are definitely a statement flower and will brighten up any garden during the stark winter period. 

ornamental cabbage

ornamental cabbage
 Vibrant colours...

ornamental cabbage
 These almost look bridal in their creaminess...

ornamental cabbage
Speaking of bridal, here's a bouquet that includes ornamental cabbage, succulents, ferns and snow berries. Fabulous use of greens - see, green can be beautiful!

ornamental cabbage
Wouldn't you love this pot in your home??

Although I spent quite a bit of time searching online, I couldn't find any pictures of ornamental cabbage bouquets like the ones I keep seeing at the florists. It's a bummer because they really are so lovely. The ones at the florists haven't flowered yet so their heads are still quite tight, in a range of subtle pastels. Go have a look when you get a chance!

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