Friday, July 2, 2010

And here I go...

About two months ago, I developed a new found interest in gardening. I don’t know how it came about or what triggered, especially since I don’t live in a household or have friends that have any interest in it. However, I’ve been consumed by thoughts about growing a few vegies and maybe a few berries so I’ve decided to do something about it. I’ve decided to grow stuff. Easy, right? Not really.

The thing is, I don’t know a single thing about gardening. Nothing. Once upon a time, I had a strawberry plant but the ants used to eat all the strawberries before I got to it so that was the end of that. I lived in a world where fruit and vegies started at the supermarket. Not a farm, not a garden, not an edible balcony. Now I’ve crossed over to the world of gardening and am starting small by attempting to grow a few basic goodies.

It’s all turning out to be a lot trickier than I anticipated. First of all, it’s the middle of a very cold, cold winter here in Sydney and I’ve got two more months of cold, cold weather to get through. It would be nice to have discovered this new hobby as we moved into spring, but hey, why make things easy for myself? Instead of looking proudly at a garden full of lush greeneries, I spend a lot of time wondering why the leaves of my plants are a strange colour and why some things just aren’t growing – I’m looking at you, spinach.

My aspiration is to be able to be self sufficient with food. I want to reach a stage where I rely on my edible garden for meals and only pop into the supermarket for a few extras. I know it’ll be a while til I get there, but here’s hoping!

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